
99作文网 2024-07-26 17:57 编辑:admin 85阅读

How to Have a Meaningful Graduation?

Every year hundreds and thousands of college students graduate from their universities and begin a new chapter of their life.On top of(除……之外)the graduation ceremony,they also use various ways to celebrate this special moment.

Many peculiar ways of graduation were reported in the news.But some of them are very unpleasant. Some students held parties to celebrate but end up with overdrinking and fight.Others broke the door and windows of the classroom,or burned books in the dormitory and doodled涂鸦) everywhere。They thought these ways of graduation would be unforgettable.

Unfortunately,the improper ways of graduation would become more unforgettable,because it is an incurable scar which bleeds whenever it is recalled.There are plenty of meaningful and impressive ways of graduation we should advocate. For example,some students made their own albums to celebrate their graduation .Instead of engraving (在……雕刻)their names on campus,some students chose a more civilized way.They donated books to the

library,planted trees on campus or took part in voluntary labors to repair lights and pipes of the school.These are marks to be kept on campus forever. We are highly-educated youths and we can give ourselves a meaningful graduation

My View on Group Buying

①This year’s China is witnessing a group buying

fever. As the name indicates, group buying means a large number of

individuals make a purchase together so as to receive a higher

discount on the particular item. Customers can not only buy various kinds of

goods in this way, but also purchase tickets, coupons and services at

lower cost.

②Popular as it is, complaints have been piling

up about it, which reveals the problems occurring during the group buying

process. ③The first and foremost problem is the fake product, which

occurs mostly when buying cosmetics. Many a time did customers feel dismayed at one obviously fake

cosmetic which they had expected so much. ④What’s worse, the after-sale

service is far from completion and satisfaction. On many occasions, customers

are denied access to filing their complaints, let alone asking for a


⑤ My suggestions to deal with these problems are

as follows. To begin with, it is urgent to create a national certification

system so that only the qualified sellers can engage in the commercial

activities. Secondly, all those who sell fake products and make false

advertisements should be punished severely. It is not until these two methods

are put into practice that group buying will develop on the right



Don't Be Afraid of Failure

We have always been taught that Failure is the mother of success since


However, many just don't have a strong will to stand failure. When they fail,

they lose confidence in themselves, and stop Uying. In this case, of course,

they will never succeed.

There are many things in life that we will not try because we are afraid.

Some childrenavoid leaming to ride a bike because they fear that they will hll.

Adults often make excuses,such as I have no time, when opportunities for more

responsibility arise at work-but theyare actually afraid offailure. However,

failure sometimes is much more valuable than success.

A child who falls over and over when learning to ride a bike will build

determination. An adult who fails when trying something new at his job may learn

something new about himself or about his job-thus improvements and enhancements

will be achieved.

In short, failure is not horrible, if you don't give up trying and analyze

carefully the reasons why you have failed, you will surely be a success one

