
99作文网 2023-07-20 20:16 编辑:admin 299阅读

Ode Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood 1 曾几何时,草地、溪流还有果树, THERE was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, 这大地,以及每一样平常景象,The earth, and every common sight, 在我眼里似乎 To me did seem 都披着天光,Apparell'd in celestial light, 这荣耀,梦的开始.The glory and the freshness of a dream. 5 只是现在已非从前;—— It is not now as it hath been of yore;— 我环视四野, Turn wheresoe'er I may, 白天黑夜,By night or day, 再也见不到昔日之所见. The things which I have seen I now can see no more. 2 彩虹去了又来,The rainbow comes and goes, 10 玫瑰依然可爱, And lovely is the rose; 欢快的月亮The moon doth with delight 环视四周,天宇寥廓无蔽,Look round her when the heavens are bare; 星夜的汪洋 Waters on a starry night 散发着动人美丽; Are beautiful and fair; 15 初生的太阳辉煌灿烂;The sunshine is a glorious birth; 但无论在哪里,我已明瞭 But yet I know, where'er I go, 有一种荣耀已永离了人间.That there hath pass'd away a glory from the earth. 3 如今,鸟雀们的欢唱依旧 Now, while the birds thus sing a joyous song, 羊羔们蹦跳依旧 And while the young lambs bound 20 像叮咚不停的手鼓, As to the tabor's sound, 唯独我,萌生一缕哀思:To me alone there came a thought of grief: 旋即的言说可以阻挡它的郁积, A timely utterance gave that thought relief, 于是我再次尝试坚强:And I again am strong: 瀑布自悬崖吹起他们的号角;The cataracts blow their trumpets from the steep; 25 我的哀思焉能再错失这季节的流光. No more shall grief of mine the season wrong; 我听见回声在群山间流荡,I hear the echoes through the mountains throng, 来自沉睡原野的风朝我呼啸,The winds come to me from the fields of sleep, 大地一派欢欣; And all the earth is gay; 地和海Land and sea 30 在沉醉中放浪了形骸, Give themselves up to jollity, 怀着五月之心, And with the heart of May 每一头牲畜都置身节庆:—— Doth every beast keep holiday;— 你,欢乐之子, Thou Child of Joy,