读书真有趣 作文400字
读书真有趣 小时候,妈妈告诉我:“ 书是人类进步的阶梯。”这是一个叫高尔 基的人说的。当时,我脑子里在想:“书 到底是什么东西,他到底可以干什么,有 什么用?”
后来,我慢慢喜欢上看书了。那是一个下 午,我和妈妈在逛街,走着我便累了,这 时妈妈在一个书店前停了下来,说:“我 们到里面去休息一下吧!”我找了一张椅 子坐了下来,而妈妈找了一本自己喜欢的 书,才坐下细细品味。我问:“书真的有 那么好看吗?”妈妈笑了笑,说:“只要你 细细品味,不仅能感到书的乐趣,还能学 到很多知识呢!”说罢,递给我一本《十 万个为什么》说:“像着本书,里面包含 了许多问题的答案,是值得品味一番。” 我接过书,觉得这书无比的沉重,似乎我 问题的答案全在这本书上,我打开书本, 科学知识印入脑海,从此,我终于知道飞 机为什么可以飞,汽车为什么可以跑等。 妈妈见我对这些书产生了一些爱好,心里 美滋滋的,帮我买下了整套书。
The power of humor can improve the relationship between people and eliminate the discordant sound between people. The greatest charm of a man with a sense of humor is not only his wittiness, but also his wit in an emergency. He can turn the dull into fun, the trouble into joy, the pain into pleasure, and the embarrassment into harmony. In fact, humor is very important in interpersonal communication.
Humor plays an important role in enhancing friendship, weakening contradictions, eliminating misunderstandings and helping people to get rid of difficulties easily. It can make the communication between people more smooth and harmonious. It is an indispensable lubricant in interpersonal communication.
People who are good at understanding humor tend to like others; those who are good at expressing humor are easy to be liked by others. In any case, humorous people are always easy to maintain a harmonious relationship with others.
In the process of getting along with people, it is inevitable that some small frictions will occur. When conflicts occur, only those who lack a sense of humor will make things out of control. However, humorous people are not so. They can always use humor to lubricate their relationship with others under unfavorable circumstances.
Humor has such magical power that it can bring you many unexpected benefits. It can not only make you a popular person, but also make others willing to contact you and become friends with you. It is also the lubricant of interpersonal relationship, which can let you fully show your friendliness and friendliness to others, and make the relationship between both sides more active and harmonious. A little humor can often play a lot of other words can not achieve the role.

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