
99作文网 2023-05-25 03:27 编辑:admin 293阅读

name is not defined解决方法:


poem = '''\

Programming is fun

When the work is done

if you wanna make your work also fun:

use Python!


f = file('poem.txt', 'w') # open for 'w'riting

f.write(poem) # write text to file

f.close() # close the file

f = file('poem.txt')

# if no mode is specified, 'r'ead mode is assumed by default

while True:

line = f.readline()

if len(line) == 0: # Zero length indicates EOF


print (line),

# Notice comma to avoid automatic newline added by Python

f.close() # close the file


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:/Python31/", line 8, in

f = file('poem.txt', 'w') # open for 'w'riting

NameError: name 'file' is not defined
