谁能给我一篇为 以...为压力为题写一篇作文,求求你们了
Directions: Stress is a natural part of modern life. In this part, you are required to write within 40 minutes a composition of no less than 200 words about Stress in Modern Life You are to state briefly the relationship between stress and modern life and the different attitudes towards stress. At the end of your composition you should draw your own conclusion.
Stress in Modern Life
As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. It seems to us that everyone around us is aggressive. Therefore, whatever one does, he feels under stress all the time. It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in a competitive society.
Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and to give purpose to life. Others argue that stress contributes to one’s mental decline and hence endangers his health. According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body.
Personally, I’m in favor of the former view. I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.
成长的滋味 时间的年轮已悄然转过了十六个春秋,生命的丝线也已拉扯了十六个年头。我成长在不知不觉中,但后知后觉以后,感悟…… 不再是那个吵着要妈妈讲故事的小女孩,不会为了一个洋娃娃大哭大闹,而是常常看到镜中渐渐脱去稚气的外衣的自己,想着如何不再让妈妈爸爸太操心受累。成长的滋味是理解。 不再像以前一样摇着小脑袋童声童气的唱《小锣号》了,却常常被《二泉映月》感动得泪如雨下,体味着盲人阿炳留给我的悲伤苍凉的人生思考。成长的滋味是感悟人生。 不再在作业本中故意写两个错别字来考察老师的眼力,却常常对老师花白的发丝、额上的皱纹以及沾满粉笔灰的手指充满感激。老师谆谆的教导和不倦的帮助让我对“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”有了更深的理解。于是便有了心无旁骛、忘身书海、俯首案旁、用功到天亮的刻苦。成长的滋味是感恩报答。 不再为了一个意见不统一而和同学争得面红耳赤,却常常会在夜深人静时,品一杯冒着热气的苦丁茶,看着深蓝的夜空,让浮躁的心归于平静,数着星星抱着梦想入睡。成长的滋味是成熟。 成长的滋味是地上的一棵小苗渴望长成参天大树。 成长的滋味是海中的一条游鱼渴望跃过龙门,遨游沧海。 成长的滋味是天空的一只小鸟渴望自由自在的飞得好高好高,云海任由搏击。 …… 成长的滋味,自己体会。那似酸又甜、似辣又咸、似悲凉又快乐、似多愁又善感的滋味,萦绕着我度过了十六个春秋、十六个年头后,浸入我的魂灵,永远、永远……
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