
99作文网 2023-03-31 02:55 编辑:admin 184阅读


Business English is widely used in international trade, and is an indispensable language for both sides of business cooperation. Business English is mainly characterized by specialization, colloquial language and strong pertinence. Practicability is the biggest characteristic of business English. It not only improves the ability of speaking and language, but also improves the ability of living and surviving.商务英语在国际贸易中应用广泛,是企业合作双方不可缺少的交流语言。商务英语的特点主要在于专业化、口语化和较强的针对性,实用性是商务英语最大的特点,它的提高不仅只是说话和语言的能力,也提高了生活和生存的能力。


Business English is an important aspect to studying English these days. We have opened up our market and are doing business on a day-to-day basis with foreigners. English, being the world's most commonly used language, is important because we need to be able to communicate with foreigners when we do business with them. We need to sell them our products and listen to their proposals and evaluate if we should make purchases from them. Also, much of the laws regarding business are also established from the English. When we sign contracts or agreements, we must be able to understand the contractual clauses and our obligations once we pen down the signature. Therefore, with all these benefits in mind, I really am interested to study Business English. It will help open up my world to endless opportunities and help me rise above others in the international business scene.