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Hello everyone, in this article, I am going to introduce my family. My family is very special and full of love. Let's get started!

About My Family

My family consists of five members: my parents, my older brother, my younger sister, and me. We live together in a cozy house in a small town. Our family is very close-knit, and we support and care for each other.

My Parents

I am lucky to have the best parents in the world. My father is a hardworking and responsible person. He works as a teacher and always encourages me to study hard. My mother is a kind and loving person. She takes care of the house and cooks delicious meals for us. Both of them have a great sense of humor and make our family gatherings filled with laughter.

My Brother

My older brother is my role model. He is very intelligent and talented. Currently, he is studying in university, majoring in computer science. He always helps me with my homework and guides me in my studies. We often enjoy playing video games together and having deep conversations about various topics.

My Sister

My younger sister is like a little angel in our family. She is adorable and always brings joy to our lives. We play games, watch cartoons, and read storybooks together. I feel protective towards her and love to see her smiling face.

Family Activities

We have many happy moments as a family. We often go on vacations and explore new places. During weekends, we enjoy picnics in the park or have barbecues in our backyard. We also have a tradition of having a family movie night every Friday, where we watch movies and share popcorn.


In conclusion, my family is the most important thing in my life. They love and support me unconditionally. I am grateful for having such a beautiful and loving family. I hope you enjoyed getting to know my family. Thank you for reading.


Marry's BerthidayToday is Marry's 12th birthday .Marry is so excited that she thinks she should hold a party ,a fantastic party .To prepare this party ,they have done a lot .A beautiful birthday cake is put on the table and 12 candles are on it .Her parents are cooking dinner .She is busy decorating the house .She has invited lots of friends and she hopes this party will be a successful one ,and it will become an unforgettable memory in her lifetime!


我的家庭 家,一个多么熟悉的字眼,在我看来,家只不过是一幢房子,是家人归宿的地方。

然而“家庭”却不同,“家庭”它是与自己至亲至爱的人组成的一个集体。我家就是一个大家庭,我们三代人在一起生活着。我们家人虽多,日子却过的简单,平淡,并不象别的家庭一样,充满欢声笑语。以前,每天早上,爸爸.妈妈工作比较忙,没时间照顾我的起居饮食,除了晚饭,我几乎每天都在学校食堂吃,爷爷.奶奶知道后,就特意从老家搬过来,每天为我准备好饭菜,使我一回家就能吃到香喷喷的饭菜。爷爷.奶奶来了之后,两手可不闲着,每天为我们擦地洗衣等,妈妈怕两位老人累着,就早早把该干的活儿都干完了,可他两总能找出什么活儿来干。妈妈常劝他们说:“爸.妈,你们就别干了,这些活我来干就行了。”可爷爷.奶奶却说:“你们俩每天上班这么累了,回来还要干这些活,怎么忙的来,我闲着是闲着,能干多少是多少吧!” 不过,爸爸.妈妈还是蛮孝顺的,每月都为爷爷.奶奶添几件新一什么的,使我都有点羡慕了。每天晚上,我们很少聚在一起聊天。爸爸总在书房里弄他的文件,奶奶与妈妈则在一起为我们补些衣物什么的。爷爷则在那看报纸或找邻家老大爷下象棋。我则在看我的电视。虽然我们都在各干各的事,但我们耳边常传来一声声关心的话语,比如:奶奶常常对我说: “看电视时别吃太多零食,容易积食或别看太久电视,对眼睛不好等。” 爸爸.妈妈常会对爷爷.奶奶说: “ 爸,妈你们别熬那么晚,快去睡吧。”…… 我的家庭生活虽然平淡,却从这平淡之中突出了和谐与幸福,这就是我的家庭,一个普普通通的家庭。《我的家庭》 我的一家是当今中国社会中无数普普通通的家庭中的一个,一个和睦的充满幸福与温馨的四口之家:爸爸,妈妈,弟弟和我。



ママの料理はすごく美味しくて、ママは歌を歌うのを好きですが、あまり上手ではありません、 お婆ちゃんは心が善良の人で体の调子がよくないので、いつも薬を饮んでいます。私は家中で一番小さいで、学生ですし、可爱がってくれるだろうけど、やがてこの小さい私も社会人の一人になりますから これは私の家族です、私は家族を爱しています。

















A Happy Family

I have a happy family. There're three people in my family, my father, eyes. mother and L My father is a businessman. My mother is a teacher. She teack English in our school. I go to school with her every day.

On weekdays,we're all busy. But on Sundays, we're free. So we ofteng no ma

time there.

out.My father and mother often take me to the zoo or the park. We have a gor Every

Hove my father and mother ,and they love me, too.


ame is Zhang Hui.There are three people in my famly.My father, my mothr and I.I haven't any sister or birther.My father is a worker.He is thirty-seven years old.He is tall and thin.He works in Neimenggu.My mother is a farmer..She is thirty-six years old now.She is short.She works in farm.I am a student.I'm fourteen now.I'm short,too.We are very happy.I love them very much.And they love me


My family day is very busy.

In the morning, mother always wakes up at 6:00, she does many housework: wash clothes, sweep the floor and clean the bedroom. I usually get up at 7:00 a.m. Because I will go to school. My father is lazy, he often gets up at half past seven.

When I get up, I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I eat breakfast wish my mother. We eat egg, milk and bread, we are full. Father never eats breakfast at home, he eats breakfast at his company.

At 7:40a.m, father takes me and mother to school. Sometimes his driver takes us to school.

In school, mother teach Chinese class for her students. I have Chinese class, math class, English class and science class. After school, I go swimming, I’m very happy.

At 6:00, we arrive home. I eat so much junk food. Father usually eats dinner with his friends, hardly ever he eats dinner in the home.

At night, I do my homework, then go to bed. My mother usually reads books, sometimes she watches TV.



This is my family.It's full of love and happiness. I love my family deeply.



 我有一个幸福的家,在这个家里,父母之爱,一草一木之爱,使我的生活时时充满着欢快与温馨,我整天就生活在这爱的气氛里。  在这个家里我很喜欢吃肉,青菜就不怎么爱吃。就因为这个爸爸妈妈不知说过我多少次,可是我就是觉得肉好吃,有一次爸爸为了让我吃菜故意和我抢菜吃,那天妈妈炒了一个我最爱吃的芹菜炒肉,妈妈把菜放在我面前,我不停地挑着肉片吃,真香啊!爸爸来到桌子旁,将菜放在桌子中间,我急忙把菜碗拉过来,爸爸把菜碗又拉了过去,我们俩就这样拉来拉去,我生气了,放下筷子走了,眼看爸爸快要把菜全都吃完了,我就顾不上赌气了,拿起筷子快抢,不管是肉还是菜都进了我的嘴了,不知为什么芹菜也蛮好吃的,从那以后我就开始吃青菜了,我知道爸爸用抢的方法治掉了我不吃青菜的坏毛病,爸爸做的一切都是为我好。  家庭就像我们的大树,我生活在幸福的家里,爸爸妈妈就像树枝让我快乐地生活着,我就像一片叶子。我要好好学习,要把这个家庭建设的更好,也就是我要做一片美的叶子,要把大树装扮得漂漂亮亮。
