Anxiety is perhaps the worst problem many college students are faced with in their examinations. They just feel unable to keep their wits about them in those occasions, as a result of which they don't give full play to their abilities. How to solve this problem?
First of all, we should dispel the misgivings about the results of the exams. All of us are eager to chalk up good results in the evaluation tests.However, just remember:More haste, less speed. We should not be too mindful about the results. Take things calmly.
Furthermore, we can also adopt some concrete steps to calm ourselves. For example, we may keep our eyes closed and think of nothing for a minute or two just before starting an exam. It helps to keep a cool head and minimize nervousness. As for me, this method always works.
In the final analysis, we ought to bear in mind that calmness is essential for good performance in a test.Overcoming anxiety is not so thorny a problem if we are mentally and physically prepared.
I like listening tu music,When I am happy,loud rock music make me excited andactive ,But when I am unhappy,loud music makes me feel bored and angry,So when I am unhappy,I also listen to soft music,it makes me feel relak and calm down,popular music is my favorite,it s a kind of strong music,Popular music always makes me want to dance.
you may think you see
who i really am
but you'll never know me
every day
it's as if i play a part
now i see
if i wear a mask
i can fool the world
but i cannot fool
my heart
who is that girl i see
staring straight back at me?
when will my reflection show
who i am inside? i am now in a world
where i have to
hide my heart
and what i believe in
but somehow
i will show the world
what's inside my heart
and be loved for who i am
who is that girl i see
staring straight back at me?
why is my reflection
someone i don't know?
must i pretend that i'm
someone else for all time?
when will my reflection show
who i am inside?
there's a heart that must
be free to fly
that burns with a need
to know the reason why
why must we all conceal
what we think
how we feel?
must there be a secret me
i'm forced to hide?
i won't pretend that i'm
someone else
when will my reflection show
《高中生优秀作文一本全》是2010年02月由 朝华出版社出版的图书,作者是王伟营。该书主要介绍了适用于高中生学习和借鉴的优秀作文。
冲动是魔鬼,做事要冷静 妈妈说过,很想要个文静的闺女,可惜没福气,偏偏生了冒失的我。
记得七岁那年,爸爸想买车,舅舅当参谋,两家人一起去桑塔纳4S店。导购姐姐很热情,介绍罢这辆说那辆。爸爸和舅舅很兴奋,时不时地往车里钻。妈妈和舅妈站在一旁笑,因为妈妈才有决定权。我和小表弟呢,只顾玩,围着新车团团转。玩着玩着玩疯了,小表弟泼劲地跑,我使劲地追,把4S店当成了大操场。跑着追着,发现有扇玻璃门,门里是间办公室,没人。我突然生出孬点子,想把小表弟关里头,看他哭不哭。主意拿定,立马引诱:“咦,里面的桌子上摆着小汽车。”说罢,装着往里进。小表弟很好哄,肩膀一拱,抢先钻了进去。“哈,中计啦!”我一阵乐呵,使出浑身劲,“咚”地关上玻璃门。没想到,闯祸了!“轰”一声,玻璃门突然倒塌!又“咣”一响,砸在我的额头上,炸成大大小小的玻璃块,弹片似的在地上乱蹦。这咔咔嚓嚓的大动静,吓呆了店里所有的人。片刻,妈妈和舅妈惊呼着跑过来,导购姐姐也跟着爸爸、舅舅围拢来。这时,我已抖掉浑身的碎渣渣,惊慌失措地瞅着躺在地下的小表弟,还有那块横在他脖子上的大玻璃。他已经晕乎了,直愣愣地瞅着我。“别动”,舅舅一边喊,一边小心地拿开那块大玻璃。还好,衣裳领子挡着,没割破皮。见小表弟没事,大伙又来看我。我无意间摸了摸脑门,嗯,咋有个小坑?还湿漉漉的。这一摸不要紧,血开始往下流。不一会儿,衣裳上尽是血斑点。往后的事,就不细说了。先是去了附近的小诊所冲洗包扎,打吊针,抹药膏,白纱布在头上裹了一层又一层,我成了学校里众目睽睽的重伤员。半个月后,白纱布卸了,脑门顶上幸好因为我们当时处理的即使没有留下疤。不然不知道以后很是怎样! 哦,冲动是魔鬼,冒失是妖怪。打那以后,每当我冒失劲儿一上来,大人们就会叨叨这件流血的事。再后来,我也会经常捋捋头发、摸摸被玻璃门砸过的脑门,提醒自己做事要冷静,别再当灾星。- 相关评论
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