如何成为一个优秀的人 英语作文 150词
How to be a excellent person
Time flies, time flies like a shuttle. We follow the sun went into the school gate, and start a new journey. Behind us is the expectations of parents and teachers, we should be more efforts to study, to keep one's head above water, do not live up to the expectations of our parents and teachers, if you want to be a excellent student, so, I think everyone initiative:
First of all, we should do to conform to the school rules, the code of students, middle school students etiquette all leavened dough. Be a good student, should be well-behaved, the reasonable use of learning methods, reasonable work and rest time; in the life also needs to pay attention to personal hygiene and health, for myself and for people to create a good learning environment.
In peacetime to communicate with others, we should be polite words and deeds, do civilized middle-school student; in ordinary language, should pay attention to courtesy, pay attention to the occasion, friendly, must speak putonghua. Without permission, not into another room, cannot use others'articles, don't look at others letters and diaries. Don't interrupt others, don't interrupt others study and rest. The class stood up, to pay tribute to the teachers, class is over, please the teacher to go ahead of the rest. See a teacher or elder to salute to say hello, answer the teachers question needs to stand up, to the teacher comments, attitude to be honest .
一个我最敬佩的人 广西区贵港市 西江中心小学 六年级五班 陈媛秋 如果有人问我,你最敬佩谁?我回毫不犹豫地告诉他——我的爷爷`。 爷爷是个老中医,已经退休了,可他手脚闲不住,好干他的老本行——采药。不管是刮风还是下雨,还是烈日当头,他老人家每天总是要上山采一趟药。回到家后,他有是切药、晒药、研药的忙个不停。爷爷在院子四周载满了各种各样的药草,有鸡冠花,有铁篙青,还有许多我叫不出名的草药。家里药柜的抽屉里装满了各种药丸,爷爷为采回这些药,吃了不少苦头。 一个星期天的清晨,天色阴沉。爷爷听说离家20多里的山沟了长有一种止血镇痛的特效药草——五爪龙,便吃了几口翻,带 着篓子,叫上我就匆匆动身了。 山沟里乱石多,两旁是陡峭的高山,岩窝窝里长满了人样高的篙草。爷爷戴上老花镜,在石缝草丛中仔细地寻找着,好半天,才发觉在一人多高的石壁上长着一颗绿油油的药草。爷爷伸了伸手臂够不着。我急忙搬来一块石头给爷爷垫上,爷爷踩在上面踮着脚,用手抠了好一大会,才把药草抠出来。爷爷的手指头抠破了,血流了出来。我心里真难受,可是爷爷毫不在意。他那两只长满老茧的手,拿着这颗药草,上看下瞧,好像拣了什么宝贝似的,苍老的脸上浮现出甜蜜的笑容。回家的路上,天下起了蒙蒙细雨,爷爷把那棵药草藏在怀里揣着,而他的头上身上却被淋湿了。回到家后,他顾不得疲劳,又找来旧花盆,栽好以后才在躺椅上躺了一会儿。 每天夜里,爷爷都在灯光下查阅药物书籍。他写了好几大本的读书笔记。 这就是一个我最敬佩的人——爷爷。