
99作文网 2024-09-14 23:55 编辑:admin 54阅读


没有全英文教学,因为还有普高的课程^^同学私下问我吧,这样你的问题还可以问的具体一些,我也好就你的情况具体和你说。我qq是944844155,现在al高三,以前也是人大附中初中本部的, 不过先说几句, 录取分不会太高480-520?这个我确实不是很肯定,可以帮你问问, 来这里前提是你英文不能太次; 因为有面试,也因为是外教面试,如果你英文太不好的话绝对没有好下场= =另外就是同学你人品好不好?奇装异服什么的可能录取希望不大……不得不说因为现在想上al的人越来越多,所以竞争肯定会更加激烈的,但是我想如果是分校的孩子的话竞争力还是有的^^你有时间可以去学校门口办公楼8层迪邦那里再具体问一问情况,那里是和咱们学校合作办al的教育公司,老师都很好,你要是害羞的话告诉我我带你去= = 每年人数可能不会有太大变化,120、130左右吧。 你应该没什么问题的,放心吧,毕竟我是过来人= = 有问题继续pm就是了^^

二、以to be famous stal为题目写一篇英语作文

Do I want to be famous? Yes, of course. There is no one would not want to be famous. When I was a kid, I always dreamed of being a top star and everyone clapped and cheered for me. Then I realised it will not come true and I changed my dream, but still, I want to be famous. I want to be famous in learning. I want to be famous in sporting. I want to be famous around the classmates and also I want to be famous in the teachers! Want to be famous is my motivation, and always spurs me to study hard, learn more and never give up.


A police dog is a dog that is trained specifically to assist police and similar law-enforcement personnel with their work. Police dogs are often referred to by the term K9, which is a homophone of the term canine, a word that generally refers to the dog and its relatives.

In many jurisdictions the intentional injury or killing of a police dog is a felony, subjecting the perpetrator to harsher penalties than the statutes embodied in local animal cruelty laws.A growing number of forces outfit dogs with bulletproof vests and some even go so far as to make the dogs sworn officers, with their own police badges and IDs. Furthermore, a police dog killed in the line of duty is often given a full police funeral
