
99作文网 2024-09-01 21:55 编辑:admin 209阅读

My hometown is in sichuan province is located in sichuan, he DaZhouShi northeast of the northeastern sichuan, is a bright pearl! It was a beautiful and rich city.    About my hometown, it can be very much scenic spot! The lotus lake is beautiful, the unpredictable fairy hole, magnificent iron mountain... One of the most fascinating that will count the lotus lake.    Lotus lake city located in western, 30 minutes. Into the lotus lake, I saw all the willow branches in his long in the breeze, like the girl swing dance beats the wonderful. The lake is luxuriantly green, breeze, rippling, a layer of driving a layer to distance. In a calm sea, the lotus lake like a big mirror reflected in the lake blue, blue, appear more, Baiyun reflected in the lake, appear more white...    My hometown is not only the jingmei and more beautiful hometown. No matter where you go, see the hometown people they warmly smile. In the store, assistant considerate service, In the home, master enthusiasm entertains... Everyone is so polite.    Home not only, and the jingmei, beauty is abundant: home, beef jerkys, lighted beef v, dried bean, tea, potatoes, agaric, let a person drool. Each to Florida tourism, back when they take a bundle of Florida's specialty, otherwise how could it be to Florida?    Ah! Florida - my hometown! I love you! Do you like a brilliant pearl ornament in sichuan basin, your beauty, beauty, water mountain, abundant person, I will praise you throughout millions!    我的家乡在四川省达州市,他坐落在四川东北部,是川东北的一颗璀璨的明珠!它是个美
