以junk food(垃圾食品)为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。

99作文网 2024-09-01 00:55 编辑:admin 155阅读

一、以junk food(垃圾食品)为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。

junk food

Now junk food has become more and more people's choice.Junk food is delicious, and looks very clean.Like potato chips,barbecue food,biscuits.But,maybe you don't know.Junk food can make people sick,and it can make you fat.This is bad for your health.For example,I like to eat junk food,it made me fat.And junk food made me sick and made my teeth become yellow.So I hate junk food very much,and never eat junk food anymore.I hope the world will have no junk food.


My mther like noodles. My father like ice crern. I like iunk food.

三、英语作文 谈谈你对垃圾食品广告的看法

ast sunday, Mr.Lee got up very early to go fishing.

He spent the whole day sitting beside the river but got nothing at the end of the day.

Therefore, Mr.Lee was very disappointed due to that he had to go home by dinner time.

On his way home, Lee thought that his wife might be mad at him for bringing nothing back. So he bought a big fish at the market before he got home.

At least, he was happy finally for what he could bring home.

ast sunday, Mr.Lee got up very early to go fishing.

He spent the whole day sitting beside the river but got nothing at the end of the day.

Therefore, Mr.Lee was very disappointed due to that he had to go home by dinner time.

On his way home, Lee thought that his wife might be mad at him for bringing nothing back. So he bought a big fish at the market before he got home.

At least, he was happy finally for what he could bring home.

四、do not waste food60词作文

25,000 people are dying because of hunger everyday. We are lucky that we are not one of them. But are we sensible enough to understand their pain of dying because of hunger? We have to focus only how everyone of us can solve the problem or atleast could be part of the solution. So let's sign it that we would never waste food because it is like rising the problem of World Hunger. If organizations like World Food Program helping people to provide meals for them then its our role to donate them and not waste food at our side.

五、对那些吃垃圾食品的人的建议 英语作文60字

常吃油炸类食物增加暴力倾向 英国研究人员以1000名16~21岁男性为研究对象。这些人来自英格兰和苏格兰的3家青少年管教所。研究人员将他们分为两组,一组长期服用维生素和营养补充剂,另一组长期食用油炸土豆条等高热量的油炸类食物,然后对他们进行为期一年的跟踪观察。研究显示,吃油炸类食物者更愿意用暴力行为解决问题,脾气也更坏。这与油炸类食物营养缺失(如组成大脑神经元的重要组成成分ω-3脂肪酸)有关。

