
99作文网 2024-08-31 03:25 编辑:admin 162阅读


Money - everyone needs it but we all need to work very hard to get it. Many people think that money is the most important thing in the world, however, I disagree. I think that money is very important but it is not as important as health and having our friends and close to us. If I was rich, I think I would be very happy but I'm not, so I just have to rely on my friends, family and my pet dog to keep me satisfied!


Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. I don't think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a comfortable life. What we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives.


Some people think more money can bring them greater happpiness. Some people think happiness does not only come from money. However, I believe it's definitely true that money are not the reason for being happy, but without money, no one can be happy.

There are many other factors can result in happiness, such as graduation, dating with your lover, etc. One will be very happy on one's graduation day, because the graduation is a sign of achieving one's academic goals. One will also gain happiness when date with one's lover. Dating with lover is the sweatest time in the world. Money is not the only factor for being happy. However, let's imagine the day you have no moeny. If you are sick, what can you use to buy medicine or go see the doctor? If you are hungry, what will you use to buy food to eat? If you want to find a place to live in, what will you use to buy a house? The majority of the basic things we need to buy requires money.

Taking into account of all the factors we had considered, without money one can never be happy. There might be people who pursue psychological happiness; however, without the money to buy food and keep them alive, they will have no chance to pursue that happiness.
