
99作文网 2024-07-23 00:14 编辑:admin 190阅读


On weekends ,i usually help my mom with some housewoke,so is today.First of all ,i decided to mop the floor,while my mom was doing the laundry,it's really tiring but i enjoy it.After i finished cleaning the floor ,my mom began to prepare for the dinner,i can't cook ,so i just helped her wash the dishes.when we enjoy the dinner together ,i feel happy from the bottom of my heart,doing housework is really beneficial

二、八年级写有关 医生与病人英语作文

what's matter with you?

i have a headache.

when is it start?

three day ago.

oh ,that too bad.

i thank so .what should i do ?

you shouid eat midecine .

oh ,thanks very mach.

you are weicome .

三、医生关心病人英语作文 要求把神态描写好 160个词

In West Germany and here in Berlin, there took place an economic miracle, the Wirtschaftswunder. Adenauer, Erhard, Reuter, and other leaders understood the practical importance of liberty -- that just as truth can flourish only when the journalist is given freedom of speech, so prosperity can come about only when the farmer and businessman enjoy economic freedom. The German leaders -- the German leaders reduced tariffs, expanded free trade, lowered taxes. From 1950 to


Lily didn't come to school yesterday because she fell ill.So I went to see her in the hospital after school.She told me she had stomache often.I asked her what did she had yesterday,she said she had too much meat.I told her that she should have a balanced diet,such as more healthy food and stayed away from the junk food and meat.She thanked me for my advice.
