校园安全伴我在心中的作文100字左右 要议论文的 最好还要有安全事项的 急求啊~ 谢谢

99作文网 2025-02-05 09:05 编辑:admin 264阅读

校园安全伴我在心中的作文100字左右 要议论文的 最好还要有安全事项的 急求啊~ 谢谢

和煦的春风吹拂着我们的面庞,春光明媚的六月让人神畅,“安全”当他伴随着我们的时候,我们并不在意,一旦“危险”降临时,它将带给我们无尽的痛苦。远的不说,在我们身边就有不少触目惊心的事故,如06年中学的两名女同学在路大桥上发生车祸,当场死亡;07年小学的一名女学生被滚落的水管当场压死……无数的事实撕扯着我们的心,我们不得不疾呼,同学们,”安全”两字,请时刻牢记! 为落实上级有关做好安全工作的指示精神,我校一贯重视安全工作,开展了一系列认真细致的安全预防措施,如禁止家长车辆进入校门、禁止未满12周岁的学生骑车上学、购置灭火器具、禁止下课追逐扒栏杆、强调上下楼梯靠右礼让、上好安全课、落实安全责任制等等。这些都是为了同学们的安全。 但由于诸多方面因素的影响,一些安全隐患还没有彻底消除,同学们日常安全防范意识不强。比如下课追逐、上下楼梯不礼让、扒搡栏杆、放学滞校、随意爬高、玩水游泳、走路不遵守交通秩序等等。这些都对同学们的安全埋下隐患。 为此,在学校我们要注意校园安全,上下楼梯慢步轻声靠右行;课间在走廊、活动场所不打闹,不追逐,不乱跑乱跳;同学之间友爱谦让,和睦相处,不斗殴,不无故生事;在使用剪刀、铅笔刀等用具时一定要格外小心,不嬉闹;告诉家长车辆不要进入校门,放学不滞校,不在校们外停留买零食。 在回家途中要注意交通安全,行车走路要左看右看,不闯红灯;不抢道通行,不骑快车,不搭肩并行,拐弯十字路口要小心;不在公路上玩耍、奔跑、戏闹。要时时处处注意交通安全。 在家中要注意家庭安全,切记勿玩火玩水玩电等等。 同学们,安全常系心中,人生一路顺风。让我们关注生命、注意安全、茁壮成长,让安全伴你在校园,你把安全带回家。


campus security security issue may sound clichéd, but when it comes to the campus security, we have to take it seriously . nearly every day, there are reports to the security office on campus that valuable things are stolen away. 。a college is supposed to be a safe, nurturing place where students learn. campus safety is a major concern not only to students and administrators, but also to parents. overall, campus crime decreased gradually, but high profile incidents have put safety at the forefront for many students and parents. however, students can take specific actions to protect themselves from dangerous persons and situations. for instance, they should keep their dormitories’ doors locked at all times and deny entry to any unfamiliar individuals. when walking at night around campus, it's best to travel with at least one other person. on the one hand, we students should strengthen our security awareness. once we smell out something unusual, we should report it to the campus guard immediately. on the other hand, more equipment such as monitors should be installed on campus so as to detect crimes as soon as possible. in my opinion, campus security will be improved as long as efforts are made on campus. therefore colleges and universities should try their best to make everyone on campus safe and sound。
